Play to Earn
What2Bet has rolled out this new feature where players compete against each other.
The player(s) with most points earned wins the POT.
All you need to do is start predicting the scores of Premier League games.
Simple Scoring. If you get the…
- Score right (90 mins game), you earn 15 points
- Number of goals and result right, you earn 10 points
- Number of goals or the result right, you earn 5 points
You will also compete for the overall prize of USDT 1,000 that will be shared amongst the top 3 winners at the end of the Premier League season.
So, what are you waiting for? Register & Play on It’s 100% free to create an account and play.
How to join the game?
- Create an account on
- Place your score predictions
- Get in touch to find more: